About Us

Born many years ago as a seed of desire to serve Fashion, style and originality at Very high level!

It wasnt until a conversation with a friend that I realized I had a brand SCREAMING to get out!! On July 31, 2016 The Eclectic1 Brand was born!! Born with a clear vision, mission, and goal, to style/care for you in every way imaginable!! We at the Eclectic1 Brand are dedicated to see you Own your "Style Personality" and gain confidence in being You, we encourage that!!

So often times we fear Standing out, being different, and quirky when thats the most beautiful part of us!!!

Some ask, whats the inspiration behind the collections? Its a mix of so many twist and turns, to catch the eye, and satisfy the soul!!

Unique, original, unusual, peculiar, different, exclusive, uncommon, rare and special

You are the Eclectic1 Brandā¤